creating money

“Imagine that there are many flows coming into you from the universe, and each one offers a way money can come to you. Every time you have a doubt, every time you resent paying a bill, every time you do not believe in your prosperity, you close off one of those flows. Every time you send out your money with joy and love, you open another way for the universe to send you money. The next time you pay a bill, imagine that at least ten times more than the amount you pay out is coming back to you. See your money contributing to the prosperity of the person or institution you are paying.”
“Make sure that when you take your money out of savings or sell an investment, you spend it for something special, something you will have a great desire for. This charges your money with aliveness, and makesall the money you have more magnetic. Ask, “How can I use my savings to serve my higher purpose?
One of the best uses of your savings is empowering your life’s work. You will discover that those who become wealthy put their extra money into their dreams, investing in themselves before they invest in areas they know little about. Spend money on things that help you get your work out into the world, be they books or classes, equipment, the right clothes for your job, or remodeling your house to make room for an office or place to doyour work. Using your money to create your life’s work will draw to youeven more money.”
– Orin (Channeled in the book”Creating Money”)

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